The basic rules and nuances of the content of sphinxes

The appearance of sphinxes differs significantly from the traditional image of cats, but this is what caused the increased interest in the breed. An adult sphinx is a harmoniously built animal with soft body lines and correct proportions. Attention is attracted by large ears, piercing eyes, a narrow muzzle, and, of course, the skin is smooth, warm and pleasant to the touch.

Despite the absence of wool, the heat output of the animal is quite high, so sometimes it may seem that the cat has increased temperature. In fact, it is not higher than that of ordinary cats (38-39 ° C), but because of the difference with our temperature, we feel this warmth. According to the characteristics, the skin of sphinxes is similar to human: it is sensitive, can sweat, sunbathe in the sun and requires regular cleansing.

Varieties of the sphinx

By nature, sphinxes are very cute, sociable and friendly. They have a subtle psychological connection with the owner. They feel the mood of the household, can listen for a long time and express sympathy with a deep understanding look. They easily get along with other animals in the house, children are given a lot of positive emotions and remain playful until old age. Attachment to the owner is so deep that the pet cannot exist separately from him.

Mobility and playful disposition help the sphinxes maintain heat exchange, and the energy expended contributes to increased appetite. Cats of this breed, contrary to the myths about fastidiousness in food, are actually omnivorous, never refuse food and are able to overeat. Therefore, a properly balanced diet is very important for them.

Breeders recommend feeding the pet with ready-made feeds containing the whole complex of vitamins. However, there is nothing better than natural food, and here the owner should show firmness of character, otherwise an increased appetite can lead to obesity.

Necessary conditions

Sphinx cats are clean and tidy, so you always need to maintain cleanliness in their house, a place to sleep and in the tray. It is advisable not to leave food, since the cat eats stale food reluctantly. Having long claws, the sphinx can rip and scratch furniture. To prevent this from happening, cut your claws in time or buy a scratching post for your pet. There is no fur after the cat in the house, and this is a big plus of the breed.

However, due to the lack of wool, these animals are sensitive to temperature fluctuations. They love warmth, so they often bask in the sun, but this can lead to serious overheating and even burn of the skin. Also, all hot objects in the house are dangerous for them: a fireplace, a heater, a radiator (in the cold season, animals freeze, so they often warm themselves at a heat source).

If the room is cool, put your pet in a warm jumpsuit, cover up or buy him a insulated house. Most representatives of this breed like to dress up and bask in the warmth. It is also necessary to exclude drafts and high humidity in the house, because sphinxes get sick quickly from dampness. The comfortable temperature for their maintenance in the house is 23-25 ° C.

Skin care Rules

The skin of hairless cats is very sensitive. Without proper care, it quickly becomes dirty, plaque forms in its folds, so veterinarians recommend bathing the pet regularly (1 time every 2 weeks) or wiping the skin with special alcohol-free wet wipes. It is better to wash the cat in the bathroom. Shampoos designed for this breed should be used for bathing. In their absence, any baby shampoo will do.

Without proper care, it quickly becomes dirty, a plaque forms in its folds

Sphinxes are happy to take baths if they have been accustomed to water procedures since childhood. Unlike other cats, they can swim and splash in the water for a long time. So that the pet does not resist the procedure, carry it out correctly:

  • take water up to the level of his chest;
  • put a rubber mat on the bottom so that the animal does not slip (the cat gets scared when there is nothing to cling to with its claws);
  • water the animal from the bucket (the jet and the noise of the shower can scare him);
  • avoid getting water in your ears;
  • observe the desired temperature – it should be about the same as the body temperature.

After bathing, the animal needs to be wiped, otherwise it may become overcooled and get sick. If the skin is prone to peeling, it is moisturized with baby cream, which is gently rubbed into problem areas. Also make sure that the pet is not in the sun for a long time – this leads to overheating and burning of the skin.

Hygienic procedures

The special structure of the body of sphinxes significantly complicates the care of them. In large ears with smooth skin inside, secretions regularly accumulate due to accelerated heat exchange. To ensure that the auricles are always clean, they need to be cleaned with cotton swabs at least 1 time a week. It is impossible to clean the auricle deeply – this can damage the eardrum or lead to otitis media. If difficulties arise with the use of a wand, you can buy a special ear cleaner at a pet store.

In large ears with smooth skin inside, secretions regularly accumulate due to accelerated heat exchange

Expressive eyes of cats are practically devoid of eyelashes, and therefore secretions accumulate in the corners from time to time. The task of the owner is to remove these accumulations in time with a cotton pad soaked in a solution of black tea or chamomile. If purulent discharge appears, you should contact a veterinarian, as infection may develop. Hygiene also requires the oral cavity. Regularly inspect the cat’s gums – they should be pink, without signs of inflammation, and clean the teeth with a soft brush.

Large paws with rather long claws also require care. Check the pads of the paws from time to time for dirt, scratches and other damage. This will allow the wound to heal in time, because in everyday life a pet can get hurt with something. Some sphinxes bite their own claws. If your pet does not do this, cut them off with forceps. Gently press on the paw, and after the cat releases the claws, cut off the transparent part without touching the living tissue.

Do all the procedures in a timely manner, and then your pet will always be healthy and happy.

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