
Category: RainbowBridge Written by Super User


Carmine just had his 4th birthday when just a month later he passed away from a massive clot. After losing function to his hind legs, his dad and I had to make the heartbreaking decision to let him go. Unfortunately, we weren't at all educated about HCM and looking back at the breeder's contract, we do not believe they ever tested the parents. As a kitten, Carmine did have a slight heart murmur but this went away within a year and we thought nothing of it. He never presented any outright signs other than a very sensitive stomach. He was active, playful, and a downright clown. He was daddy's video game buddy and never failed to curl up inside dad's hoodie whenever he played. Carmine was also very talkative. Affectionately, we referred to his meows as his war cries. He'd call out prior to leaping, jumping or running, almost like the meow gave him an extra push. :) Although he was only with us a short amount of time, he convinced at least 2 people that didn't like cats, that they were actually quite awesome (no small feat!). We couldn't imagine not having a sphynx in our lives regardless of the prevalence of HCM. Carmine, we can't wait to see you again someday for more cuddles. We all miss you terribly.

- Jacquelin
- Jacquelin